Watch Detective Conan Anime English Subbed Online in High Quality
Detective Conan
Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Detective Conan is famous anime about Shinichi - a seventeen year-old high school detective, one day. One day, he wakes up and finds that he has become a 7 years old child. In order to find the reason for this transformation and the one who is responsible for it, Shinichi hides his identity and lives with Ran - his childhood sweetheart, whose father happens to be a hopeless detective, and with that begins an adventurous series of murders and mysteries that he must solve in search for the ones who put him in his awkward situation.
Genre: Adventure , Comedy , Mystery , Police , Shounen
Released: 1996
Status: Ongoing
Other name: Case Closed, Meitantei Conan, 名探偵コナン